Our Dream

I am so grateful to each person reading this for joining in on this ride with me, supporting me in this crazy dream, and making this flower child’s spirit bloom. I have always felt connected to the ground I am on. The little things about the earth fascinate me – dewdrops catching a rainbow of light, tiny critters on plants, the smell of a horse’s breath and so many other things make me feel close to the earth turning right beneath my feet. The stillness and the chaos that come together out here makes me sure all these little pieces know what they are doing. I dreamt once of growing up to become a rock hounder, then a horse trainer, then a marketing agent, then a fire management officer, and now of settling in to share my love of growing with my community.

I have spent the last eight years, the most formidable of my life, as a wildland firefighter for the federal government. This experience shaped my view of the world and myself. It was never an easy career path, but it was one I felt called to and one I felt fit my goals for each of those eight years. I always loved the thrill, physical strength, friendships, and courage I felt in my job. The mental challenges I faced in this career are truly unparalleled as the atmosphere of wildland fire can never be recreated in any other environment. I left this job finally feeling like I had come into myself as a woman and with confidence I am not sure I ever before possessed. Entering our third growing season as a farm seems unimaginable.

We have been blessed by the support we have received from our growing community of flower lovers. Sharing our home and our farm with you has been the opportunity of a lifetime. Thank you for helping us to catch this dream.

– Hadley

We have an amazing team here at Muz and Poppies. These are the people that keep the dream alive and make all of these flowers possible.


Hadley Dowell

Teacher of workshops, designer of weddings, builder of wreaths, maker of bouquets, and picker of weeds.  I am just so glad you are here with us and grateful for the help of each of my people!

Jacob Dowell

Jacob is gentle, honest, and encouraging.  Without his unending support this dream would have been many more years in the making.  He has built fences, engineered an irrigation system, constructed or reconstructed each of our buildings, and been the grounding force keeping each project moving forward.  

Candace Jensen

Candace is Hadley’s mother and the granddaughter of our namesakes, Muz and Poppy. She grows and maintains magnificent perennial garden beds, and was the spark for Hadley’s interest in flowers.  There is never a weed unmanaged, or plant unkept in her world.  With her help we have been able to design perennial beds, start thousands of seeds in soil blocks, and keep rows of flowers weed-free.

Greg Jensen

Greg, Hadley’s father, grew up on a dairy farm in Centerfield, UT.  He has taught her how to tend vegetable gardens, animals, and pastures since childhood.  Hadley says she likes to think she got a bit of farmer’s intuition from he and his father, Arno.

Laiken Bigelow

Laiken is the hardest working and most reliable teenager we have ever met.  She is willing to do whatever needs to be done around here to keep things going.  She is a master seedling planter, weed puller, and quality controller in the fields. We will be forever grateful for her consistency in helping bring this farm back to life.

Addi Mecham

Savanah Brady

Eva Wirick

Taya Wirick

James Gay